TRT (Turkey Radio and Television) announced that its Director General, Professor Mehmet Zahid Sobacı, has been elected President of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) for a period of three years.
The ABU is the largest broadcasting union in the world. It has 246 members from 65 countries and serves 3.5 billion viewers, more than half of the world’s population.
TRT has been a member of the Board of Trustees – the executive body of the ABU – for eight terms. She also participates in various committees and working groups, including the Planning and Strategy Group, Radio Working Group, Digital Media Working Group, Program Office, Technical Committee and Technical Office.
Professor Sobacı will lead the Union with three vice-presidents: Yan Chengsheng, Director General of the International Cooperation Department of NRTA (China); Mr. Sunil, Deputy General Manager (Global Outreach) and Head of International Relations, All India Radio, Prasar Bharati (India); and Inoue Tatsuhiko, Executive Vice President of NHK (Japan).
Mehmet Zahid Sobacı will assume his role as ABU Chairman for the first time during the 117th Biannual Meeting of the Board of Directors, which will be hosted by Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation MTV Channel in Colombo, Sri Lanka on May 9-10 2024.

Source : Méditerrané