As part of the development of actions for image education and the fight against disinformation, the CMCA is a partner this year of the Tour de France for Media and Information Education organized by France Télévisions, in collaboration with the academies and CLEMI.

This project aims to promote media and information education in several academies across France, including overseas territories. A team of journalists from France Télévisions hosts conferences, debates and workshops on the theme of the fight against disinformation and the development of critical thinking among students. These actions allow teachers to be better equipped to transmit these essential skills to their students, thus contributing to a better understanding of the mechanisms of information production and promoting active and responsible citizenship.

The first stage took place from March 20 to 22 in the Montpellier academy. On March 20, nearly 150 teachers gathered at the Victor Hugo Media Library to attend round tables on the following themes:

  • Become an enlightened citizen and an actor in digital society
  • ⁠Fight against disinformation
  • ⁠Investigative journalism within the public audiovisual service

Thursday March 21, students from the Lycée Jean Mermoz in Montpellier were able to discuss with journalists from France Télévisions, Stéphane Dubun and Alain Fontan, during a special screening of the film “Malte, in the name of Daphné” by Jules Giraudat (selected for PriMed – Mediterranean Youth Prize 2022). The opportunity for the CMCA to make high school students think about the importance of investigative journalism and documentary creation.

Friday March 22, the high school students discovered the Vendargues studios and had the opportunity to meet professionals who introduced them to audiovisual professions.

The Second Stage was organized in Aix en Provence and Marseille from May 29 to 30. After a first day at the Lycée International Georges Duby with numerous teachers, the second day allowed us to focus on the CMCA and the PriMed with the screening of Jules Giraudat’s film “Malta in the name of Daphné” in his presence (Prize selection young people of the Mediterranean – PriMed 2022). This Albert Londres Prize journalist worked on this film with the group of international journalists Forbidden Stories @fbdn_stories.

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