Monday 12th November for the event “Mediterranean of the Future Act 2: Priority to the youth” the CMCA in partnership with the Region SUD Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur organizes the projection of the film LE GRAND SAPHIR, UNE REVOLTE ORDINAIRE by Jérémi Stadler. Free entry.

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Villa Méditerranée > 20h – Esplanade J4 – 13002 MARSEILLE

Le grand saphir, une revolte ordinaire de Jeremi STADLERBIG SAPPHIRE UN ORDINARY REVOLT

56 minutes, 2018
Director : Jérémi STADLER (France)
Production : Satellite Multimedia (France)
Screening in the presence of the director
Film selected at PriMed 2018 in the category Mediterranean Young’people’s Award

This film is about several public spirited waste-collection initiatives, both at sea and on land. The starting point is Emmanuel Laurin’s initiative, known as “The Great Sapphire” and combining protection of the environment with physical endurance. For nearly 14 days Laurin swam along 120 km of coast-line, collecting larger pieces of waste to raise public awareness of the critical state of pollution in the Mediterranean. The film also shows the way ecological activism has evolved: blaming others is now a thing of the past, these new whistle-blowers use a proactive and positive approach. They prove to us that, although our societies are collectively responsible for the terrible state of the environment, each of us can and must act every day to improve it.

>>See an extract

Find here the rpogram of the festival > ICI

Invitation in pdf version >here

Thank you for confirming your presence by registering on the following link:
>> RSVP projection Grand Saphir

mediterranee futur


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