The CMCA and INA Mediterranean launch the new edition of training program about writing news items from the archives. This workshop, scheduled for June 17-24, 2019, is coming to its 12th edition and is intended for journalists and directors of CMCA television members.
Developed in collaboration with INA Méditerranée, the training aims to sensibilize the participants to the conservation of audiovisual heritage in the Mediterranean and to provide them with the necessary skills for the journalistic narration.
After theoretical courses on the conservation and analysis of audiovisual archives, the participants will realize as a team a short report from a corpus of archive images.
Trainees will have the opportunity to practice using a professional camera and video editing. An introduction to the shooting is organized before the shooting of the reports. This workshop also foresees the use of smartphones for filming.

Project description
Shearde aims :
– Make people aware of the audiovisual heritage in the Mediterranean area through training programmes..
– Acquire the skills necessary for choosing, then writing journalistic items from material in audiovisual archives.
– Learn how to make a short report from archive material provided by INA and the television companies affiliated to the CMCA.
Intended public :
Journalists and professionals with at least 3 years’ experience, coming from television, from the networks of the CMCA.
Projet description :
Day 1 : working with audiovisual archives (INA Mediterranée)
Day 2 to 3 : writing using archive material, the legal aspect, watching the archive material, writing subjects (INA Mediterranée)
Days 4 to 5 : Training on video-camera and shooting reportage (local CMCA)
Day 6 : Free
Day 7 to 8 : Editing and viewing (local CMCA)
■ Get to know what is in an audiovisual archive, the principles of conervation and preservation
■ To Learn how to evaluate the archive material
■ To Know the principal technical and legal restrictions when using archival images
■ To Become aware of narrative construction in a subject which uses archive material
■ To understand how to construct a short item, how to tell a story using existing material by INA – MEDMEM Audiovisual archives.
■ To learn video-reporting and shooting on video camera
Place :
MARSEILLE, in the offices of the CMCA and INA Méditerranée.
Teachin Environment :
■ People from INA working in preservation of audiovisual archives
■ Professional news report writers
■ Access to a body of shared archive images on the subject chosen.
Material provided: editing equipment, Video cameras, documentation about the chosen subject
Here the last editions.
For further informations >>