The CMCA is opening the call for applications for the 27th edition of PriMed, the Festival of the Mediterranean in images. The registration of the works is free, the deadline to present the films is April 15, 2023.
The works presented:
- must have been produced after June 1, 2021;
- under no circumstances may they have already competed in the PriMed;
- if it is a documentary in several episodes, only one can compete;
- if a program was produced as a co-production, it must be presented by a single co-producer; the latter must obtain the prior agreement of its partners.
The name of all the co-producers must appear on the registration form

The PriMed – International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage is open to all authors, directors, producers and broadcasters who, through their programs or their works, contribute to a better knowledge of the countries of the Mediterranean basin in the broad sense, of the coasts of Atlantic to the Black Sea.
The audiovisual works presented deal with subjects relating to issues, culture, heritage, history, societies and the lives of women and men in Mediterranean countries. They must not have any advertising or propaganda character.
Each work can only compete in one category, this choice must be clearly expressed in the registration form.
Find all the information about PriMed > Here
The CMCA is the main organizer of the event, see here the other partners.